Life Hack: The Half-Hour Unplug


I’ve often talked about the challenge we face nowadays, of doing way too many things. Between work, household, family, friends, exercise, self care and a social life, it’s no wonder we don’t have time or headspace for passions/hobbies/interests.

The hardest bit is often the transition from one thing to another. Ever found yourself coming home from work, but unable to switch off? You spend hours in a sort of zombie state, doing whatever but mentally absent.

Your mission today is to learn a simple method of transitioning easily, so you’ll feel energised and eager to do something you love.

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Task 1: Check if you’re not doing too much

I know I keep harping on about this, but it’s important. Most of us have unrealistic expectations about what we’re supposed to be doing in any given day or week. Check out this article I published recently. It’ll give you some hints on how to simplify and slow down a little.

This is important, because otherwise you’ll just continue in the hamster wheel. You’ll feel bad about never managing everything you want to do, when really you’re stacking the deck against yourself.

Task 2: The half-hour unplug

The method I’m going to suggest sounds deceptively simple. It’ll make you go: “Oh but I know this”. Stop! Knowing doesn’t mean doing. Trust me, you have no idea how powerful this is.

For half an hour, get away from all media and preferably, all humans. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee if you like, and just sit, or take a walk (weather permitting). Stretch, if you feel like it.

Allow your thoughts to race. This is important because if you just letting them go wild, without feeding yourself new stimuli (by consuming media or texts or conversation), they’ll eventually run their course.

It’s almost miraculous how refreshed and motivated you’ll feel all of a sudden. It’s the closest thing to magic – and it works!


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